
Presentation of Campus Party on May 24th from 14:00 to 15:00 Room 004

On Wednesday, May 24th, SISSA and Campus Party will organize the Campus Day, an occasion aimed to present the international event on innovation and creativity that will be held in Milan for its first edition

Premio di Laurea / Dottorato in memoria del dott. Bernardo Nobile XIII Edizione

Il Premio, promosso da AREA Science Park, è suddiviso in tre riconoscimenti da 2.500 euro ciascuno per tesi che diano risalto ai brevetti come fonte di informazione.

L2Pro - Come proteggere e valorizzare le tue innovazioni

The Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), Qualcomm Incorporated, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB) have created "L2Pro - Come proteggere e valorizzare le tue innovazioni", a platform of mobile learning on and also for smartphones (Android and iOS) where you can find 13 short seminars funded by the European Commission on intellectual property and enterpreneurship.

Participation is free of charge.

Campus Party _ Milan 20-23 July, 2017

SISSA has signed an agreement related to the event Campus Party that will take place in Milan from 20 to 23 July, 2017.

Students will have the opportunity to participate in the “Hackathons” and “Calls for Ideas” and receive some prizes.

“Hackathons” are contests where innovative ideas, which solve a real problem, are converted in  functioning technological prototypes.

“Calls for Ideas” are contests where students can suggest ideas in order to solve real problems or to create new business models.

Seminario "Il nuovo brevetto unitario: tra aspettative e realtà"

The seminar on “The new unitary patent: between expectations and reality” will be held on Thursday May 11th, 2017 at 2.30 p.m. at the University of Trieste in the Sala Atti Cacciaguerra (building A, right wing, on the 1st floor).
The speakers will also talk about open innovation and patent policy.

The participation is free of charge. You can register on

START CUP FVG 2017: Future is your business

You have time until 28 February 2017 to register for the Business Plan Competition Start Cup FVG. The initiative is open to everyone: students, graduates, entrepreneurs, natural or legal persons. You can register to candidate your innovative business projects through the website:

A SISSA team won at the Campus Party Italia

The Skin Speech Team composed of Diletta Pozzi, Nicola Galvanetto, Ulisse Bocchero and Simone Mortal won the Hackaton of Dompé at Campus Party Italia 2017.

They proposed a wearable device to measure the healthy status during sport activity.
