
Introducing Campus party 2018!

The presentation of Campus Party will take place at SISSA in Room 004 on 31 March from 2 to 3 pm. SISSA is an official partner of Campus Party initiative. Thanks to this partnership, all SISSA students and research contract holders will have the chance to participate for free in the second edition of the world's largest international event on innovation and creativity, on 18-22 July in Milan.

The valorisation of public research in Italy: numbers, examples, proposals

A seminar by Prof. Andrea Piccaluga

Andrea Piccaluga, Professor of Management Innovation and Director of the Institute  of Management at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, will give a seminar entitiled "The valorisation of public research in Italy: numbers, examples, proposals” on 30 May 2018. Prof. Piccaluga is also the President of Netval, the Italian Network of University Technology Transfer Offices.

MARS42 Spring Edition 2018

Dear Students and Researchers,

We are glad to present you the Spring Edition 2018 of MARS42, an Innovation School hosted by SISSA and developed in collaboration with The Doers, a firm that helps people and companies to sail through uncertainty and to successfully innovate.

The purpose of MARS42 is to provide PhD students and Post-Docs with a guidance for reading research under a new light.

A deep dive into a “Blended program” that allows participants to:

Workshop "INCENTIVI PER IL LAVORO E LA FORMAZIONE nel settore SMART HEALTH FVG" - 28.03.2018 c/o Palazzo della Regione, Trieste

On Wednesday March 28th the event “Strumenti di investimento, inserimento lavorativo e percorsi di alta formazione nel settore SMARTH HEALTH”, organized by the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, will take place at Salone di Rappresentanza della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, piazza dell’Unità d’Italia 1 – Trieste at 2.30 p.m.

There will also be industries in the BioHighTech field of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Triveneto and it will be a good opportunity to meet them.

The event will be held in Italian.

You can find attached the programme of the event.

Prof. Rozza ospite di "FERMENTI A NORD EST - Centri di eccellenza tecnologica" (puntata del 25/01/2018)

FERMENTI A NORD EST - Centri di eccellenza tecnologica (puntata del 25/01/2018) 
Qui di seguito l'intervento completo del Rettore dell'Università di Trieste e del delegato al Trasferimento tecnologico e rapporti con le imprese della SISSA, entrambi ospiti della  puntata di RadioRai FVG, avente ad oggetto gli investimenti della Regione sulle università e sulla Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste per contribuire alla nascita del Competence Center del Nordenell'ambito del piano nazionale "Industria 4.0".

Data Scientist elected “Best Job 2018” (3th consecutive year in a row)

Glassdoor (one of the largest and most popular jobs sites in the world, with 41 million unique users and 5,800 paying employer clients/partners last year) has just released its annual list of the 50 best jobs in America for 2018.


“The world is our lab” is the title of the seminar held at the International School for Advanced Studies - SISSA of Trieste by Alessandro Curioni, director of IBM Research - Zurich and vice-Chairman of IBM Europe. This recent meeting launched the collaboration between SISSA and IBM. Local scientific institutions such as the University of Trieste, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Area Science Park, ICTP, OGS Trieste also participated in the round table organised during the event.


In order to connect its students to the job market, SISSA participates also this year to the JOBfair dedicated to students and researchers of the Italian School of Excellence (SISSA, Sant’Anna, IUSS, Scuola Normale Superiore, IMT and GSSI) - www. A unique opportunity in the national scenario to start a direct interaction between the leading Italian and international companies and the world of academic excellence.

IBM Watson ai XPrize: riaprono le registrazioni. Nuove opportunità per start-up innovative di aggiudicarsi 5 milioni di dollari

A partire dal 6 settembre 2017 riaprono le candidature per nuovi team che intendono partecipare all’IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, una delle più importanti competizioni globali che mette in palio 5 milioni di dollari per promuovere i progetti più innovativi nell’ambito dell’intelligenza artificiale

Workshop OpenViewShip 30/05/2017

OpenViewShip è un progetto di ricerca industriale che ha sviluppato una metodologia di previsione integrata del sistema idrodinamico elica-carena per l’applicazione industriale in ambiente open-source
