
Call for Expressions of Interest of Knowledge Providers - BLUE_BOOST PROJECT

The BLUE_BOOST project is launching a transnational Call for Expressions of Interest of Knowledge Providers in all the ADRION eligible territories in order to develop a database with all possible relevant knowledge/technology providers to be chosen by the vouchers applicants.

JoTTO Fair 2019, one day meeting event between the research activities and the business world

JoTTO Fair 2019 is a meeting event matching research and industrial world, both with small pitch and one2one meeting

It will take place in Lucca on May 10th 2019, orgnize by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore, the Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, IUSS Pavia


Focus group “From a researcher to an entrepreneur - some tips for your career development"

The focus group “From a researcher to an entrepreneur - some tips for your career development” is an event on scientific entrepreneurship held in Trieste on April 3rd 2019 starting from 2 pm in the framework of a European project of the EURAXESS network dedicated to researchers mobility and career, of which Area Science Park is a partner.

SISSA towards ESOF 2020: Prof. Rozza starts from the past to innovate

On 6th March the conference "The challenges of innovation" took place in the context of the ESOF events in Trieste.

One of the guests was Prof. Gianluigi Rozza, SISSA Director's delegate for Technology Transfer and Industrial Cooperation, who talked about the future of computational engineering, medicine and the environment still based on the mathematical formulas of the 700th century.

The equation model, said Rozza, is applicable to different areas and never died, confirming that to look to the future we need to know the past.


Save the date - Activities 2019

We are glade to present you the activities 2019 aimed at encouraging placement opportunities in companies in which SISSA will participate.

These activities have been chosen directly by the students through a survey 


For any further information please contact and visit


TECH UP 2018

Tech Up is a project by Fondazione R&I aimed at collecting the best proposals to address the growing technological needs of big companies. The initiative will be presented on 22 November 2018, starting from 11.30 am at the Contamination Lab - UNITS (via Fabio Severo 40, Trieste). The event is organized in the context of UNITY FVG (United Universities of Friuli Venezia Giulia).

For any further information please contact

Fiera del Lavoro FVG - Convegno ALIg 2018

Fiera del Lavoro FVG - Convegno ALIg 2018 will take place on November 24th, 2018 at 12.30 at the Teatro Giovanni da Udine (via Trento, 4) in Udine.

70 companies will offer 420 positions. The job interviews will be in Italian or in English, if you prefer so.

Call "PHD4PMI" - Extended deadline to November 10th, 2018


The purpose of this Call is to encourage, on one hand, the collaboration between companies and scientific research in the mechanism of knowledge transfer and production, and, on the other hand, to facilitate the constitution of interdisciplinary and non-interdisciplinary postDoc and PhD groups that could work in synergy and that could apply their problem solving skills and their methods and knowledge to punctual and actual innovation problems deriving from the real world.

JOBFair Pisa 2018

On October 24-25 , 2018 the JOBFair, the job meeting of the excellence Italian Schools, will take place in Pisa.

The JobFair  is organized by SISSA, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS di Pavia, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca and GSSI Gran Sasso Science Institute.

"PHD4PMI": Giovani Ricercatori SISSA per le PMI del Territorio

Progetto pilota ideato e finanziato dalla SISSA –  in collaborazione con Confindustria VG – che per la prima volta in Italia intende coinvolgere specificatamente e sinergicamente giovani ricercatori SISSA e Piccole e Medie Imprese permettendo a queste ultime di entrare in contatto – a costo zero - con il mondo della ricerca e con le opportunità che essa può offrire a supporto della loro competitività e nel contempo cercare di dare soluzione – sempre a costo zero -  a loro problematiche tecniche reali e concrete.
