“The world is our lab” is the title of the seminar held at the International School for Advanced Studies - SISSA of Trieste by Alessandro Curioni, director of IBM Research - Zurich and vice-Chairman of IBM Europe. This recent meeting launched the collaboration between SISSA and IBM. Local scientific institutions such as the University of Trieste, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Area Science Park, ICTP, OGS Trieste also participated in the round table organised during the event.

Curioni explains that the chosen title «reflects a deep thought:  complex problems in the field of Information Technology can only be solved by the integration and the collaboration between the three protagonists of change:  industry, academia and society. In this way, the world can become our training ground in which to innovate at the highest levels with applications that, starting from information technology, can reach the most diverse fields: from health to environment to our everyday life».