Two new start-ups become part of the SISSA panorama, two very different companies, both with strong roots in SISSA.
SISSA is proud to present:
AIndo EU S.r.l., a young Italian company that applies state of the art tools and techniques from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to optimize business operations.
Most of the founders of the company come from doctoral courses in SISSA and one of the primary mission for Aindo is to combine corporate experience with academic excellence, a goal for the School too.
TranSINE Terapeutics Co., LTD has a strong bond between the company and the School: the mission of TransSINE is to translate the results of the research into available therapies carried out at SISSA by prof. Gustincich and his research group. Most of these results are patented and owned by SISSA.
TransSINE Therapeutics is biotechnology company. TransSINE Therapeutics aims at bringing SINEUP RNA molecules from research discovery to the creation of products that will contribute to improve biotechnology research, industrial-scale protein synthesis and RNA therapeutics.