
GiovedìScienza 2022 Prize for researchers under 35 from Italy

The  Association CentroScienza is organising the 11th edition of the GiovedìScienza Prize for researchers under 35 from Italy. The Prize was first established in 2011 to encourage commitment and draw attention to the best in science communication and popularization. Ever since the very first edition it proved to be the showcase of the scientific-technological excellence in the land.

High-tech Entrepreneurship Course (starting on 15th February 2022)

High-tech Entrepreneurship course

15th February 2022 – 5th April 2022

20 hours (9/10 lectures ) – 2 credits



Focus for Companies: new incentives for R&S

The announcement is in Italian because the incentives are dedicated to companies whose headquarters or an operating unit is active in Friuli Venezia Giulia.  

Ready to scale up: SISSA startup Aindo gains a venture capital investment

The Company has raised a €2.8M investment from Vertis Venture

SISSA startup Aindo has raised a €2.8M investment from the investment management company Vertis Venture for the further development of its synthetic data technology INTUITE.AI.

Tech Share Day 2021, research meets companies and investors: SISSA participates with a webinar on machine learning in biomedical domain

Tech Share Day is a completely free and digital event that connects the world of public research with that of companies, investors and innovators. This 2021 edition (from November 24 to 26 ) will focus on IoT and Artificial Intelligence, with 8 thematic webinars and panels of international speakers.

Opening of Live Demo Smact Friuli Venezia Giulia Odyssea 4.0

Inaugurated on 28 October the first Live Demo Smact, and the path of the Compentence Center begins in Friuli Venezia Giulia with "Odyssea 4.0" Live Demo dedicated to the Digital Twin at Wärtsilä Italia s.p.A

La settimana delle startup

The announcement is in Italian because the seminar will be in Italian.

Iniziativa promossa da Agenzia Lavoro & Sviluppo Impresa della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Bernardo Nobile Prize 2021: dedicated to doctoral theses that emphasized the use of patents

Area Science Park announces the annual Prize for degree or doctoral theses that have emphasized the use of patents as a source of information.

The Prize includes three awards, one of these is dadicated to PhD these that used patents as a source of information. 
