OPEN CALL for 2023 Sony Research Award Program

SONY invites Universities and Institutions to participate in the 2023 Sony Research Award Program.

The Sony Research Award Program is an open innovation program, providing sponsored research funding for projects on emerging and innovative technologies in collaboration with SONY Group's own research groups. Currently in its eighth year, the program is open to Universities and research institutions such as government research institutes and non-profit organizations in the U.S., Canada, 17 European countries and India.

The SONY Research Award Program is comprised of two awards - the Faculty Innovation Award and the Focused Research Award, both with the aim to create new opportunities for academics to engage in cutting-edge research, leading to the introduction of breakthrough technologies.

The Faculty Innovation Award grants up to $100,000 USD to principal investigators for one year, for research projects that may fall within three broad subject categories (Information Technology, Devices & Materials, and Biomedical & Life Sciences) relevant to Sony's current research interests.

The Focused Research Award provides support for up to $150,000 USD for one year, to conduct research on 12 themes which is more focused in the areas of Sony's immediate interest.

To learn more about the program and to submit a proposal, please visit SONY website:


Proposal submission is open from July 15, 2023 to September 15, 2023.


If you have any further question, please contact