Activities and Events


SISSA Medialab presents the OPEN ACCESS DISCUSSION GAME, an informed and productive discussion game on the current issues of Open Access publishing (more information attached).

The Young Entrepreneurs Challenge - Q&A on 30th November at 12:00 (noon)

The Young Entrepreneurs Challenge is running a Q&A session to engage potential applicants and answer any queries they may have. This will take place via Google Meet and is happening on Thursday 30th November at noon (12 pm).

The Young Entrepreneurs Challenge — brought to you by Verizon and Unloc — is an annual event centred around finding the best young talent across Europe.

IUSS Pavia - Alumni: Hai impegni per venerdì 17?

IUSS Pavia in collaborazione con le Alte Scuole ha organizzato una giornata pensata per promuovere l’interazione tra Scuole Universitarie Superiori sul tema Alumni, impresa e mondo del lavoro.

Sarà un’occasione per presentare i Progetti Alumni delle varie Scuole Universitarie, supportati dalle testimonianze dirette degli Alumni che hanno esperienza di imprenditorialità emergente. Un momento di confronto e di dialogo aperto a tutti con esperti del mondo delle imprese.

L'evento è ibrido: in presenza, presso la scuola IUSS di Pavia e online.

Waiting for... JobFAIR: meet Oliver Wyman, October 3rd at 5 pm

Oliver Wyman, a leading strategic consulting firm is organizing a virtual event to meet students from Italian Schools of Excellence who are interested in the world of consulting.

On Tuesday October 3, from 5 p.m., you will have the opportunity to find out more about Oliver Wyman: partner Michele Alviti will share their corporate culture, values and professional paths.

JobFair 2023 - Online Main Sponsors’ Presentations


18-22 SeptemberOnline Main Sponsors’ Presentations, the whole agenda with the Webex links for the participation is available here, just click on the name of the company to attend!

Successful post-PhD Job Applications - What are the Career options after a PhD?

What are the Career options after a PhD? What makes PhDs successful job candidates? Does a PhD look good on a CV? If you are thinking more and more about these issues, you have the chance to find some answers. 

IMT Alti Studi - Lucca presents an initiative aimed at doctoral students and alumnae/i on job prospects after completing their doctorate.

JOBFair 2023: 11-12 October in Pisa

11th and 12th October: JOBFair 2023 - The job meeting of the Italian Schools of excellence

Webinar: Presentazione Opportunità Bandi e Servizi SMACT - riservato a ricercatori consorziati

This news is in Italian as the webinar will be held in Italian.

Webinar riservato a professori e ricercatori delle Università e Centri di Ricerca partner SMACT.

TITOLO DEL WEBINAR: Opportunità bandi e servizi SMACT

DATA: 11 luglio

ORE: 15:00 

DOVE: piattaforma ZOOM

Course "Student Entrepreneurship: STEM + SSH"

(this event will be held in Italian and English)



How can academic research turn into business enterprise?

We will try to answer this question in the second edition of the "School on Student Entrepreneurship", to be held at the IUSS School of Pavia from 25 to 27 September 2023.
