What are the Career options after a PhD? What makes PhDs successful job candidates? Does a PhD look good on a CV? If you are thinking more and more about these issues, you have the chance to find some answers.
IMT Alti Studi - Lucca presents an initiative aimed at doctoral students and alumnae/i on job prospects after completing their doctorate.
The event is scheduled online on 13 September at 4 p.m. and includes three short speeches by external speakers (Fabiana Andreani, specialist in career guidance and career development for under-35s, Elena Odilia Cavalli from Laborplay - Gaming and Gamification, a spin-off of the University of Florence, Eva Ratti, PhD in Astrophysics, co-founder of Find your Doctor - Researchers for Society and Enterprise). The aim of the initiative is to pick up strategies from experiences that speakers will share with the participants.
Participants will be provided with tips for a successful job search after PhD; the event encourages the awareness of potential resources of candidates and organizations, to improve networking and facilitate suitable matches.
You can register via this form to get the link to attend the webinar.
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