Campus Party _ Milan 20-23 July, 2017

SISSA has signed an agreement related to the event Campus Party that will take place in Milan from 20 to 23 July, 2017.

Students will have the opportunity to participate in the “Hackathons” and “Calls for Ideas” and receive some prizes.

“Hackathons” are contests where innovative ideas, which solve a real problem, are converted in  functioning technological prototypes.

“Calls for Ideas” are contests where students can suggest ideas in order to solve real problems or to create new business models.

During these days, talents, institutions, businesses, universities and communities will collaborate in order to promote innovation, and there will be speeches by national and international speakers and thematic workshops.

All participants in the Campus Party (not only the ones who will  participate in the “Hackathons” and “Calls for Ideas”) will have the opportunity to participate and to sleep in the tents of a reserved area free of charge.

To get your free ticket please enter the webpage of Campus Party reserved for SISSA

You can find some information on the webpage

For any further information, please contact

Alessio Lerose and Chiara Santulli, PhD Students' representatives in the Academic Senate, who are the “ambassadors” for this event, will also help you if you want to participate in the Campus Party.

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